0418 541 932
I have been interested in health and fitness all my life. During 2010 I realized I would love to motivate and train people to achieve their health and fitness dreams. After achieving my certifications funky fitness opened its doors in January 2011.
I have always been intrigued with the changes that can be made to a persons body shape through nutrition and training. I have been on the quick fix starve myself diets and train so hard that moving hurts every part of my body programs like so many other people and I know that its not possible to sustain this kind of attack on the body.
After discovering Metabolic Precision I was so excited to know how to help anyone achieve their goals with a very easy scientific approach to changing your body shape. To be able to eat plenty of delicious food ( No calorie counting) and exercise for a minimal amount of time each week. We offer a complete process that covers every aspect to a successful (Permanent) Body Transformation.
I have completed all of my Metabolic Precision training and certifications with Dr Paul Cribb (Founder & CEO of Metabolic Precision) & Shar Sault (2 X Ms Natural Olympia – World Figure Title Holder).
I honestly care about every single client and know I can help you achieve your goals no matter how large or small.
To find out more about our Programs please call me on 0418541932.